Major Teoh’s Blog

March 16, 2006

Safety Manager

Filed under: Safety Manager,Sample JD — Major (Rtd) Teoh @ 12:27 pm

Sample JD –  Safety Manager


To plan, implement, and coordinate program to reduce or eliminate occupational injuries, illnesses, deaths, and financial losses.

2. To identify and appraise conditions which could produce accidents and financial losses and evaluates potential extent of injuries resulting from accidents.To conduct or direct research studies to identify hazards and evaluate loss producing potential of given system, operation or process.

3. To develop accident-prevention and loss-control systems and programs for incorporation into operational policies of organization.To coordinate safety activities of unit managers to ensure implementation of safety activities throughout organization.

4. To compile, analyze, and interpret statistical data related to exposure factors concerning occupational illnesses and accidents and prepares reports for information of personnel concerned.To maintain liaison with outside organizations, such as fire departments, mutual aid societies, and rescue teams to assure information exchange and mutual assistance.

5. To devise methods to evaluate safety program and conducts or directs evaluations.

6. To evaluate technical and scientific publications concerned with safety management and participates in activities of related professional organizations to update knowledge of safety program developments.

7. To store and retrieve statistical data, using computer.

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